Terms and Conditions

Terms of Purchase

This Site is intended for the use of customers within the UK.

The term “we” refers to New Glory Fashions and “you” refers to the customer visiting our Site.

The following conditions are set out for customers to understand our responsibilities and your rights as customers. Please read these terms and conditions before placing your order. We also advise you to keep a copy for your future reference. 

We reserve the right to vary these terms and conditions at any time. We will notify you via email of any changes made.

By purchasing items on this Site, you are consenting to our terms and conditions. Images and description of items or any other information in this Website are for general information and guidance. There may be minor variations in the images which we are unable to control.

All payments are taken in Pounds Sterling. Goods purchased will be delivered to the address you have entered on the payment form and will be delivered within 3-5 workings days of your order being accepted and payment receipt for UK orders. Please allow 7-10 working days for international shipments. All orders are primarily accepted subject to stock availability. We will contact you if there are any problems with processing your order.

For our special order items, please allow up to 10 workings days for UK delivery and up to 14 working days for International delivery. If there are any problems with processing your order, we will contact you as soon as possible to inform you of the situation. We will notify you by email once your order is dispatched.



Net Orders Checkout

Item Price Qty Total
Subtotal £0.00

Shipping Address

Shipping Methods